March 17, 2014
In High Point,
NC today, the City Council voted against the renaming of Green Drive in honor of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The vote was 5-4 against. The vote failed due to the
cost renaming a street would incur to the city and various business owners
along the street.
Kimbrough, P. (2014, March 17). Council votes against MLK street
renaming proposal. Retrieved March 18, 2014 , from Higher Point Enterprise :
the comments section on the news webpage, beneath this article, a different
street is now being proposed to honor Dr. King. The street known as College
Drive, is being proposed by the public because the costs would be substantially
lower, the street is in very nice condition relative to others in the city, and
High Point University was already looking at a name change, to something along
the lines of University Drive.